Vento Fixed and Portable Windsocks

Our fixed windsock system is supplied with an angled base plate that can be mounted horizontally or vertically to a flat surface. It is available in various sizes depending on the application. The fixed system is also available in larger sizes and is very effective for advertising at Sporting events and other outdoor gatherings.

Our Portable windsock system is used by enthusiasts who want an idea of the wind speed and wind direction. This system makes use of a ground spike that is anchored into the ground and is used by Wind surfers, Surfers, Model aircraft enthusiasts, Para gliders, kite boarders, fishermen etc. Our portable system can also be individually branded and used for advertising purposes.

Vento Golf Day System

Our unique Vento Golf Day Windsock system is sold in kit bag form and offers personalized branding for Companies on each of the 18 golf course holes.
The Vento Golf Day kit bag consists of a set of 18 two piece aluminum poles with windsocks.
The windsocks provide the player with a clear indication of wind direction and a general idea of the wind speed. Most importantly our system offers a subtle and very effective way to display and market your Company across the entire golf course

Branded Windsocks

Adding to your golf day experience we also offer our advertising Banners in kit forms. The banners are 1m x 2,5m wide and are digitally printed on high quality mesh material. Included in the Banner kit is an additional windsock with personalized branding to highlight you Company’s golf day.

2017 Vento Windsocks